Hi there, we're
Made of Genes!
We're here to revolutionise
the way you take care of yourself
Welcome to the new era of
personalised health
We are all Made of Genes
We’re made of genes, but it’s not just genes that make us. Your lifestyle and habits have as big an influence on your health as your genetics — if not more.
That’s why we like to understand who you are from the ground up, starting with your DNA, and then evaluate how you are with other techniques. Only from this angle are we able to understand your complexity.
How we work our magic
Arthur C. Clarke once said that ‘magic is just science that we don’t understand yet’. This is our philosophy: we use very complex data science and systems biology techniques to analyse your biological markers in an integrated way. This allows us to offer you actionable advice to preserve your health and wellbeing. It may seem like magic, but it isn’t.
Meet the founders
Oscar Flores (CEO) holds a doctorate in Biomedicine and Miquel Bru (VP of Business Development) is a nurse by training. Together with the rest of the team, they bring their experience in biomedical environments to Made of Genes to design a new generation of molecular studies that meet the needs of people like you.

What sets us apart
Pioneers in personalised healthcare
Made of Genes is the first company in the industry to offer a comprehensive molecular study that combines DNA testing with standard blood work.
International recognition for innovation
Innovation is not just about doing something new. It’s about creating a real impact on established industries to redefine how they operate. That is the reason why we’ve been awarded the Innovators Under 35 award by MIT Technology Review.
We really care about your health
We believe there is no use in telling you something that isn’t helpful or beneficial to you. Hence, rather than exposing you to risk of diseases you may never have, we help you improve your current state of health in a rigorous and scientific way.
Always by your side
We include a health coaching session in every study, so that you can go over your results, ask questions and clear up any doubts with the help of our team of health experts.
Third-party certification for privacy and security
We know how important it is that your genetic data is safe. This is why Made of Genes protects your data using Genomcore’s technology, which is the only platform in Europe that is certified by AENOR with three ISO standards on security and personal data management (ISO 27001, 27017, 27018).