Your journey to better health
has now

Take care of your health in a new and better way with our innovative molecular study. By integrating a blood test and a DNA test, we’re able to get a comprehensive view of your state of health and help you take the right steps towards a healthier life

It’s 2025, time to
take your health into your own hands

No matter what you do or who you are. Our molecular studies accommodate your lifestyle to help you identify and improve the aspects of health that matter most to you.

What Made of Genes can do for you

Estudios moleculares de Made of Genes
Emotional well-being
Protect yourself from stress and get a better rest.
Skin care
Delays the signs of ageing
Physical exercise
Improve your performance and avoid injuries
Immune system
Strengthen your defences and protect yourself from infections.
Oxidative stress
Adjust your antioxidant capacity
Cardiovascular health
Improve your circulation and protect your heart
Find out if you are gluten or lactose intolerant
Weight management
Get to your ideal weight and keep it off for good
Bone health
Protect your bones against osteoporosis and adjust your calcium requirements
Iron metabolism
Test your iron levels to correct alterations

Much more than a
DNA test

Much more than a
DNA test

Traditional genetic testing evaluates your risk of developing certain diseases. We aim to understand how your DNA affects your health on a day-to-day basis, without talking about diseases.

Much more than a
blood test

Conventional blood tests only show you your biological state at any given time. We contextualise this information to help you become healthier than ever and achieve your health goals

Introducing the most advanced
personalised health molecular studies

Made of Genes offers the most effective way to take care of your health,
take a minute to discover why

Find out about our studies


Focused study in one area

Our definitive molecular study
Assess how you are doing with a blood test

Expert guidance

Expert guidance

All our health studies include a one-to-one health coaching session with one of our health professionals — we make sure you understand the most relevant aspects of your report so you can prioritise and achieve your health goals.

seguimiento test nutrigenetico

How it works

Flip the cards to learn more about each step

Take the test

Take the test

Take your saliva sample at home with our DNA kit or have your blood sample taken at one of our 200+ health centres, depending on your product of choice.

Our tests

Sit tight

We will analyse the information from your DNA and/or your analysis within 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the study.

Get your results

Get your results

Receive a detailed and personalised health report with all your results at home. You can now book your health coaching session.



Time to put our advice into practice! Track your progress periodically with NOW and update your personalised recommendations.

What you’ll get

Your health report is only the beginning

Our molecular studies provide you with a personalised health plan with actionable recommendations, and we help you introduce the right healthy habits into your life.

Not only you’ll get a consultation with an in-house health coach to discuss your results and next steps, but you’ll also have access to your health plan and weekly articles on molecular health through our app.

What you’ll get

Your health report is only the beginning

Our molecular studies provide you with a personalised health plan with actionable recommendations, and we help you introduce the right healthy habits into your life.

Not only you’ll get a consultation with an in-house health coach to discuss your results and next steps, but you’ll also have access to your health plan and weekly articles on molecular health through our app.

What you’ll get

Your health report is only the beginning

Our molecular studies provide you with a personalised health plan with actionable recommendations, and we help you introduce the right healthy habits into your life.

Not only you’ll get a consultation with an in-house health coach to discuss your results and next steps, but you’ll also have access to your health plan and weekly articles on molecular health through our app.

Already transforming users’ lives

I’ve changed the way I take care of myself with easy-to-follow guidelines and I feel immensely better

Picture of Carmen Chaparro
Carmen Chaparro

Journalist and writer

What I like the most is that Made of Genes combines genetics with a biochemical analysis

Picture of Pere Estupinyà
Pere Estupinyà

Science communicator and writer

In the media

We’ve received prestigious awards like the MIT Tech Review IU35 or the EU Seal of Excellence, and been featured extensively in renowned media outlets.

Want to know more?

By molecular we mean everything that happens in our bodies below the cellular level. All of our health studies use molecular biology techniques such as the analysis of DNA, proteins, hor-mones and other biochemical markers.

Genetic tests are usually diagnostic or preventive. In both cases, they are used to determine how likely you are to developcertain diseases. Here at Made of Genes we don’t analyse your risk for diseases, but rather we create a comprehensive health plan tailored to your needs based on your DNA and your blood test.If you just want to know your genetics without the biochemical analysis, Made of Genes BASE is for you.

Regular blood tests only check whether the levels of different biochemical markers in your blood fall within a normal range. Our molecular tests show you if your abnormal values are due to genetic or environmental causes, and the effect they can have on your health.If you just want to know your blood test results without DNA testing, Made of Genes NOW is for you.

This is only possible with Made of Genes BASE. Since we just an-alyse your genetics, all that is needed is a saliva sample, which we obtain by sending a testing kit to your address.However, most of our products (including Made of Genes ONE and Made of Genes NOW) require a blood sample that must be taken by a nurse in one of our health centres. To make things easy for you, we put at your disposal over 200 centres throughout Spain. Find your nearest location here.

Yes! All of our main studies (Made of Genes ONE, NOW and BASE) include a 30-minute online session with one of our healthcoaches. We want to make sure you understand your person-alised health plan and what actions you should prioritise to im-prove your health. Feeling in control of your information is key to success in improving your habits and taking care of your health in the most effective way.
Made of Genes is the only company backed by AENOR with a triple certification (ISO 27001, 27017 and 27018), which guarantees our high-level security and privacy policies. Your data is yours andwe will never sell it, trade it or disclose it, in compliance with our privacy policy.

Whereas your genetic information is always the same, your bio-chemical parameters will change over time, and so will your health needs. With Made of Genes NOW you’ll be able to updateyour blood work results periodically and have a follow-up meet-ing with your health coach.

Made of Genes is not a clinical diagnostic service. Instead of as-sessing your risk of certain diseases, we help you improve your state of health so you don’t have to worry about them. If you think you may have developed a disease, your GP will be able to recommend the best course of action. If you already have a health condition that you think may be relevant for your study, please specify so in the health questionnaire. We’ll take it into account in our recommendations and health coaching.

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